I am a junkie .. a cleanse junkie. The idea of not eating the junk processed, over salted, over fried, too much of anything appeals to me very much. Now with studies showing intermittent fasting is on the trend and can be good for you, why not try it? I have tried a few cleanses over time so I feel like I can talk about them, and how I felt and which ones I would do again. This is my first "fast" though.
Salt ~ Lemonade ~ Cayenne Pepper Cleanse
This cleanse is hardcore and I at my age and where I am at in life would not do it again. You down SALTY water first thing in the morning which almost immediately follows with a trip to the bathroom since it runs straight through your system. You drink the lemonade cayenne pepper drink all day and a laxative tea at night. You do this for several days. Supposedly it helps clear out your colon. Which I can see ... around day 5 there were still some solids which I had to idea where they were coming from seeing as I was only drinking liquids all day long. Yes, I lost weight. I think that's why people would do this .. for a quick way to lose 5+ pounds. You also lose muscle mass .. that's not good. You are getting virtually no nutrients, so all around it's not good. I was young and crazy... looking back I can't believe I did it, I definitely wouldn't do it again though and wouldn't recommend to anyone to do it.
Freshii Juice Cleanse
Freshii is a health restaurant in Chicagoland. I was trying for my second child and my hubby purchased a Kuerig which I instantly became addicted to. I was up to 8 cups of coffee (BLACK) a day even getting it at restaurants. I thought I was addicted to the taste .. but it was the caffeine unfortunately. So I had to drop my coffee consumption and decided to do this cleanse to achieve it. I am a huge fan of going cold turkey when I have to quit something. I went to Freshii everyday to get my freshly squeezed juices. The first one I would drink had beets and that was the hardest for me to drink. I am not a fan of pure beets like that. Day 2 I remember being balled up in fetal postion my headache was off the charts. I couldn't take anything for it and I was suffering ... big time. My body was looking for the caffeine. Day 3 - still numb but I persisted until Day 5. 4 years later I still no longer drink coffee. I remember trying to do this cleanse again, but I failed. I really could not get pass the beet drink. What's nice is that you can choose the amount of time you want to do it .. 1, 3 or 5 days.
Shaklee Cleanse
I just did this one about 3 months ago. You can eat with this one!! YAY, it's a fruit/veggie/fat diet, you take a bunch of pills and a probiotic. Prior to this, I was taking a pre-workout supplement (has caffeine) to help me get through my workouts better, so by Day 2 on the cleanse, I was definitely having headaches. Day 3 I was a little better, still had a few headaches every now and then. Day 4-7 I was fantastic. I lost about 6 pounds and kept it off. This cleanse gave me the boost to start doing Fab4 Smoothies for breakfast and I haven't eaten white carbs, processed food, or refined sugar since.
This one was easy to do since you can eat, so I would do it again. I can imagine it being hard for people that rely heavily on carbs and dairy though for their foods. You cannot eat any of this.
ProLon FMD - Mimics Fasting
I am blogging this real time since I am currently on day 2. Day 1 wasn't bad at all. The kale crackers were pretty tasty. The olives are so yummy and the soups were pretty good. Day 1 is always the easiest .. it's when the headaches of Day 2 and 3 are when it's bad.
Day 4-5 - staying strong. No more headaches, eating is barely in my mind anymore. I am in a groove between making my L-drink for the day, eating my little packets of olives and soups. Hoping for kale crackers because those were actually good!!
All around, this wasn't bad, very doable and easy and I would do it again. I was still eating which was great. The food was tasty and I felt better overall. My body was craving protein though. On day 2 of going back to normal food, I ate an omelette with a ground pork/turkey blend of sauteed onions and tomatoes. I had porkchops for dinner with green beans. I was eating meat all day the second day, I definitely was missing protein. I did the 3 month fast so looking forward to after Thanksgiving for round 2!
Salt ~ Lemonade ~ Cayenne Pepper Cleanse
This cleanse is hardcore and I at my age and where I am at in life would not do it again. You down SALTY water first thing in the morning which almost immediately follows with a trip to the bathroom since it runs straight through your system. You drink the lemonade cayenne pepper drink all day and a laxative tea at night. You do this for several days. Supposedly it helps clear out your colon. Which I can see ... around day 5 there were still some solids which I had to idea where they were coming from seeing as I was only drinking liquids all day long. Yes, I lost weight. I think that's why people would do this .. for a quick way to lose 5+ pounds. You also lose muscle mass .. that's not good. You are getting virtually no nutrients, so all around it's not good. I was young and crazy... looking back I can't believe I did it, I definitely wouldn't do it again though and wouldn't recommend to anyone to do it.
Freshii Juice Cleanse
Freshii is a health restaurant in Chicagoland. I was trying for my second child and my hubby purchased a Kuerig which I instantly became addicted to. I was up to 8 cups of coffee (BLACK) a day even getting it at restaurants. I thought I was addicted to the taste .. but it was the caffeine unfortunately. So I had to drop my coffee consumption and decided to do this cleanse to achieve it. I am a huge fan of going cold turkey when I have to quit something. I went to Freshii everyday to get my freshly squeezed juices. The first one I would drink had beets and that was the hardest for me to drink. I am not a fan of pure beets like that. Day 2 I remember being balled up in fetal postion my headache was off the charts. I couldn't take anything for it and I was suffering ... big time. My body was looking for the caffeine. Day 3 - still numb but I persisted until Day 5. 4 years later I still no longer drink coffee. I remember trying to do this cleanse again, but I failed. I really could not get pass the beet drink. What's nice is that you can choose the amount of time you want to do it .. 1, 3 or 5 days.
Shaklee Cleanse
I just did this one about 3 months ago. You can eat with this one!! YAY, it's a fruit/veggie/fat diet, you take a bunch of pills and a probiotic. Prior to this, I was taking a pre-workout supplement (has caffeine) to help me get through my workouts better, so by Day 2 on the cleanse, I was definitely having headaches. Day 3 I was a little better, still had a few headaches every now and then. Day 4-7 I was fantastic. I lost about 6 pounds and kept it off. This cleanse gave me the boost to start doing Fab4 Smoothies for breakfast and I haven't eaten white carbs, processed food, or refined sugar since.
This one was easy to do since you can eat, so I would do it again. I can imagine it being hard for people that rely heavily on carbs and dairy though for their foods. You cannot eat any of this.
ProLon FMD - Mimics Fasting
I am blogging this real time since I am currently on day 2. Day 1 wasn't bad at all. The kale crackers were pretty tasty. The olives are so yummy and the soups were pretty good. Day 1 is always the easiest .. it's when the headaches of Day 2 and 3 are when it's bad.
So here I am day 2 - already woke up with a slight buzz in my head. I drink tea - some with caffeine, some without. So I know that's what's getting me right now. It's 12:22 - I have had my tea and nut bar for breakfast and now snacked on the garlic olives (I swear, I can eat these all day long) and the L-drink that you are given for Day 2 - 5. You can steep the hibiscus tea that they give you to mix with the L-drink and water so that it has some taste. You're suppose to drink it throughout the day, but I am already half way through. I wonder if you can carbonate it? I just started a chat with ProLon to find out! From Nicole Lawrence on chat "If it is absolutely zero calories and nothing added then you should be fine" given f She has gone silent, so I am wondering if she is checking to make sure what she told me is fine. Her final response, "As per our Nutritionist, if it is absolutely no calories then you are ok to drink So maybe tomorrow I will carbonate since I am almost done with today's drink. Lunch is suppose to be the olives, and the mushroom soup but I snacked on the olives now and will eat the soup in an hour or so.
Day 3 - woke up with a slight numbing headache, nothing serious. Wasn't hungry at all today. Ate my breakfast around 10, lunch around 3pm, dinner around 6. I felt great, headache went away after I started moving around. I had more energy then I thought I would.
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Kale Chips and Tomato Soup |
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L-Drink and Olives |
Day 3 - woke up with a slight numbing headache, nothing serious. Wasn't hungry at all today. Ate my breakfast around 10, lunch around 3pm, dinner around 6. I felt great, headache went away after I started moving around. I had more energy then I thought I would.
Day 4-5 - staying strong. No more headaches, eating is barely in my mind anymore. I am in a groove between making my L-drink for the day, eating my little packets of olives and soups. Hoping for kale crackers because those were actually good!!
All around, this wasn't bad, very doable and easy and I would do it again. I was still eating which was great. The food was tasty and I felt better overall. My body was craving protein though. On day 2 of going back to normal food, I ate an omelette with a ground pork/turkey blend of sauteed onions and tomatoes. I had porkchops for dinner with green beans. I was eating meat all day the second day, I definitely was missing protein. I did the 3 month fast so looking forward to after Thanksgiving for round 2!
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